Apple News

Better iOS 10: These Improvements Can Make Apple’s OS Way Better

Every Apple fan loves concept videos but most of the time, they are absurd. This time Apple needs some really innovative features and not to forget, lesser bugs. Imaginary devices are good for video games; real products are judged by performance. MacStories imagined a brilliant video and soon after uploading it got 443,565 views. Federico Viticci gave much thought to this and he was supported by Sam Beckett. Icons in the control center often create problems and by simply tapping on them, their position can be changed. In the month of June, iOS 10 will meet us and developers are waiting for that day. Until the, let’s be happy with concept videos.

Better iOS 10: These Improvements Can Make Apple’s OS Way Better

The bright light from iPhone’s can seem too harsh for the eyes and Apple talked about revamping its “Dark Mode”. Reading apps like Aldiko have separate night modes and users can effortless switch to that for comfortable reading. White is good during the day, but at night black is mostly preferred. From messages to Calendar, everything looks brilliant in black.

Messaging is one activity which keeps users engaged all the time, but the app is still pretty basic. Apple needs to include rich previews and some popular services have already done that. Web links are often lost and people overlook normal previews.

The emoji input definitely needs to be faster and this new language will dominate future conversations. Then they mentioned the “Document Picker”, this still lacks desktop‐like features and with poor iCloud integration, things look dismal. The main aspect they should focus on is speed; the rest can be improved later. Users were not satisfied with iPad’s multitasking abilities and the app picker was just terrible. This segment needs redesign and sleek presentation. Google Now outclassed Siri and the software they are using is way advanced. Lastly the interface must be proactive with smart shortcuts.

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