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Instagram Inspired by Snapchat’s Stories Feature Rolls Out a Similar One for Their Users

The recreation of the success of Snapchat is being attempted by Facebook, this has been happening after they failed in their attempt of buying the social app. There is no difference even in the feature of Instagram that was recently developed. Stories had been unveiled by Instagram where in the latest sharing feature for videos and photos has been borrowed from the feature that had been created by Instagram. This even goes down to the name of the feature. The post that is in regards to the Instagram stories, unlike Instagram traditional posts generally stay on for around 24 hours and is said to be more ephemeral.

Instagram Inspired by Snapchats Stories Feature Rolls Out a Similar One for Their Users

The official blog that was posted by Instagram stated that the Instagram stories is being introduced by the company, this is the latest feature that is being introduced where in users can go ahead share your daily moments. Apart from that it also allows you to go ahead and make it your profile. Not just that, you can also make a story by putting the pictures in the format of a slideshow.

With this feature, the problem of over posting is sorted out, instead throughout the day they can go ahead and post any amount of images in the most creative and beautiful manner. This can also help to bring a life to your pictures and there are also various kinds drawing and text tools which can add a better impact. The one thing is that after 24 hours, the videos and photos will not be available in the feed or profile grill as it will disappear. Apart from the comments, in the announcement Snapshot’s name is not mentioned and neither can anybody find it; however the CEO of Instagram did go ahead and confirmed that the Instagram Stories creation process was cloned while developing it.

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