Apple News

Apple Gets Grammar Lessons from Top Chief Executive

Apple seems to have taken some grammar lesson from its chief executive officer Phil Schiller. He holds a senior chair with the company and is one of the most well‐known top chair employees. He is designated with the official title of VP(Vice President) with the company. He joined the company way back in 1987 and served till 1993 and left the company afterwards. He rejoined the company in 1997 and is still associated with the company. He was hired for expanding the marketing efforts of the company and was widely responsible for all the major Apple devices like iPods, iPads, iPhones, etc.

Apple Gets Grammar Lessons from Top Chief Executive

Phil recently took the class of Apple on Twitter by saying it isn’t necessary to pluralize every product name of the Apple. The discussion arrived after a debate over pluralizing the name of “iPad pro”. He said that the correct way of pronouncing more than one iPad pro shall be calling it iPad pro devices, It will be neither iPads Pro nor iPad pros as indicated by Andreessen Horowitz partner Benedict Evans and iMore analyst Michael Gartenberg . The correct way of naming more than one iPhone or mac devices will be iPhone devices or Macintosh devices.

Apple sometimes breaks its own protocol of naming its own devices. The names can be singular or plural depending on the word being used for example: Deer or Clothes. It was indeed a good grammar lesson for apple by one of their own chief executive. We hope to see Apple taking valuable ownership from the discussion. Apple is sitting at such a position in market where making such silly mistakes could cost them a lot of good will damage. It is sincerely advised to take precious steps before claiming any step, Naming nomenclature is a serious thing for any company and Apple simply cannot afford to commit a mistake here.

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