A new reported bug in Apple’s latest IOS handsets is said to be worrying people nowadays. The bug is known to be the 1970 date bug. This bug has been recently found by the researchers. It is literally fooling the device and is able to crack it up completely. Apple is working upon the bug to fix it completely. Some of the earlier attempts were made and claims were raised about fixing the handset however the success was only partial. It was not complete from the company’s end. Talking about the bug now, what is it and how is it bothering people? This bug can allow hackers to get the access of the phone of the user without even letting them know which means it is directly connected with data loss and identity loss of the consumer. Apple is very strict about loss of consumer’s identity. They would never ever want to happen this with them or any of their consumers.
Under the bug of the date 1970, somehow the bug sets the date to Jan 1970. The phone is not able to handle the date and breaks down automatically making it easier for hackers snap in secretly. Apple warns it users to be not connecting to any suspected WIFI network of their phone has been tampered by security measures. It would be easy to claim by the company however difficult to follow by anyone because the hacker can easily fool the master of the device by making them connect to fake Wi‐Fi profiles for accessing their data. Apple has released their latest patch for completely fixing the issue and says that after updating the phone, the issue should not be prevalent at all in any of the upgraded device. Apple suggests all owners to quickly update their phone.