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Facebook Announces Featured Events Capability to Show Human‐Curated List of Recommendations

It was announced officially by Facebook that there is a new feature that is being launched which is said to be the Featured Events capability, this is a service that is being provided to the users who are looking out to find the various events that are going on presently nearby through Facebook.

Facebook Announces Featured Events Capability to Show Human‐Curated List of  Recommendations

When it comes to Events, there has already been a support that has been provided by the Social networking site, the advantage of this facility on a monthly basis is being taken by more than 500 million people. With the help of the Feature Events service, the company is trying to make the experience for the user a more personalized one.

Presently, the service is being launched to the 10 U.S. cities where the users of iOS can go ahead and get to know the various events that are taking place. This will include sporting, music, community based, learning, Food and Drinks, Fitness, Festivals, Family, Entertainment and even various kinds or art events is said to be on the top of the category list.

These listing of these events will be featured in the Events screen that presently exists and can be seen at the top of the official app of Facebook. It has also been stated that the company will also working on ensuring that the events and places that is being listed will also accommodated that ability to add people who would like to thank Facebook for the listing.

Aditya Koolwal who is a Product manager with Facebook events went ahead and state that what they are doing here is having a team to specifically look into the various events that are taking place on Facebook so that they can go ahead and highlight the one’s that can make it to the top list. This will help users to not only know about the events but also make things easier for them.

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