In a recent event Apple had, they released the latest OS for their handheld devices, the iOS 9.3. The devices which can have the iOS 9.3 upgrade include both the iPad Pro as well as the iPhone 6s. As per the reports, the iOS 9.3 is the third most important upgrade since the release of the iOS 9 last September, when the company released the OS along with the iPhone 6s, Apple TV and the iPad Mini 4.
Here are some of the special additions to the new iOS version 9.3:
· New shortcuts for the 3D touch system
Although, the previous iOS 9.2 has a lot of special features in reference to the 3D touch system the iOS has, some new shortcuts have been introduced in the iOS version 9.3. Now the users can easily switch the Wi Fi system on and off, make changes to the Bluetooth as well as check the battery status just by clicking the settings option in various different ways.
· Special night shift features
This special app will basically keep altering the temperature, colors and brightness of the iPhone screen as per the time of the day in order to make it soothing for the user.
· Added notes features
The notes features of the iOS was always absent till the time iOS 9 was released. With the release of new iOS 9.3, the Touch ID system of the iPhone has been brought into play, allowing the user password protect their notes.
· Added news features
The app has been made faster and the landscape view has been included even for the iPhones, in which it was previously prohibited.
· Heath features
The Health app has had the slightest up gradation in the iOS 9.3 version
· Improved Apple Music and Car Play
Apple Music and Car Play have also been improved making it a much easier app to use for the