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E.U. Lawmaker States that a Lot of Personal Information is Taken out From Apps like Tinder, Happen and Runkeeper

When it comes to the privacy policy of Tinder, it seems to be that a left swipe is what Marc Tarabella wants to do. The terms of use of the company is said to be breaching the privacy laws of the European Union as per one of the members of the Parliaments of Europe Marc Tarabella.

E.U. Lawmaker States that a Lot of Personal Information is Taken out From Apps like Tinder,  Happen and Runkeeper

The method that the company uses in wherein they go ahead and use the personal information of the person is something that Tarabella does not agree on. It is not just tinder; however his concern is also on runkeeper which is an app that is used to keep a track of the movements of a runner. Even if the app is not active, it still goes ahead and tracks the information. Apart from that his other concern was pertaining to a dating service app called Happn.

As per what has been known, the lawmaker wants to not only get the developers penalized for it, however he also wants the European commission to go ahead and also take out certain cause which as per him are abusive pertaining to various mobile apps.

On Wednesday, he wrote that the apart from the notion of consent, the lack of transparency is also where the problem lies. He also quoted that when it came to apps like Happen or Runkeeper, the consent of the consumer was not to use the data at the time the app is on an offline mode.

He also went on to say that though a person’s daily life is simplified with the help of mobile apps, however it should not become a zone which is lawless and where the advantage of the consumer is taken. He ended the note stating that it was essential that the legal rights of the consumers should be respected and the privacy rules should be easy to understand, transparent and fair.

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