Apple News

Lessons learnt by Apple Execs Discussed after Trent Rezonr Quoted that the Foundation of YouTube is on Content that is Stolen

In response to a statement, a spokesperson of YouTube stated that the majority of publishers and labels have been overwhelming due to the licensing agreement. This has helped YouTube to leave a place for the fan videos to be on the platform and with the help also earn revenue. It is said that around 50%of the revenue that is earned by YouTube comes from the fan accounts that upload various kinds of content. The music industry till date has received a payment of $3 billion and every year the number keeps on growing.

Lessons learnt by Apple Execs Discussed after Trent Rezonr Quoted that the Foundation of YouTube is on Content that is Stolen

It was told to Billboard by Trent Reznor, who is the executive of Apple music and the frontman of Nine inch Nails, that the building blocks of YouTube is form content that have been stolen. In his statement, he went ahead to say that he felt the business of You Tube to be disingenuous. He went on to say that the reason why they got big was due to the fact that they were built on backs of stolen and free content. He also felt that the free tired service that is offered is something that is not fair. Not only is the iPO getting big, however the numbers that are being made is built on the work that he and his peers had come up with. He ended his statement saying that he felt very strongly about it.

The comments that were made by Reznor during the interview had Eddy Cue, the SVP of Apple, Robert Kondrk the VP and Jimmy lovine whose official title is yet to be known. He went on to say that the reason why he joined Apple was to do a lot more than only just sit and complain in regards to the free service of music. He had also gone on to say that his entire life had been dedicated to the craft and he wanted to go ahead and figure out how to make a change.

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