Apple News

Big Blow! Samsung Challenges Siri, Now Owns Viv

One door can close for Samsung, but their efforts are going continuously. They will find new ways to challenge Apple, this is sure. “Viv” is the special assistant which is powered by artificial intelligence. In 2015, it gained momentum; several companies were interested in its functioning. The team which developed Siri, worked again for Viv. They know many things about Apple’s legendary assistant, Viv will have improved functions. The meaning of Viv is life, the inanimate objects will get life; they will surely have a strong voice. The next paradigm shift will be brought forward by AI, this is a race.

Big Blow! Samsung Challenges Siri, Now Owns Viv

Samsung completely stole the show here, they took Viv from everyone. Their devices will now be equipped with Viv, communication will be greatly simplified. The price was not disclosed, but Samsung needs millions. In 2010, Apple got Siri; they paid over $200 million. Siri became Apple’s face; it is still one of their powerful weapons. Samsung is testing Apple’s uniqueness, they will have everything now. The firm operates independently; they have helped Samsung in the past. To avoid competition, Samsung wanted all of Viv. The power of two assistants will be compared now, Siri will face terrific competition. This was one sector, they enjoyed freedom.

Intelligent interfaces are needed; it can really change the world drastically. If Samsung gets this edge, Apple’s sales will diminish. Devices must understand language; this will begin a whole new era of communication. The ultimate simplification can happen this way. Dag wanted to test Viv’s capability, they needed a scale. Samsung’s visions were aligned with them, the collaboration was easy. A big story is beginning; technology is all set to welcome this change. Apple’s domination can finally stop; Samsung pressed the accelerator this time. AI can really surprise us, digital assistants will become out constant companion. Their knowledge increases by analyzing user habits, it’s really easy.



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