Apple News

Cool Features: Apple Becomes More Social, iOS 10 Impresses

Even if companies don’t like it, they have to be social now. They can’t go against the normal flow; it will create huge problems for them. Apple has a bad reputation in this field; they are not that social; they are geeky. In 2016, they are simply helpless; the social tide is keeping everyone afloat. After launching “Ping”, they were thrashed by users. Tim Cook deleted this mistake and went on damage control mode.

Cool Features: Apple Becomes More Social, iOS 10 Impresses

Apple made iOS and social apps can be downloaded there, people don’t care that much. Tim discussed a lot about this and planned to launch key features integrated within the platform. This idea was missing for decades; it finally touched the right area.

Apple Music is their best social platform; it really tries to build an immersive experience. Users tweet playlists and bring others in the conversation. Every person has contacts and Photo Streams can be easily shared with other contacts. This is the basic type of sharing, the primary  level. Social sharing needed a boost and they brought – “Activity Sharing”. People are enjoying this even on watchOS3, Apple will improve it further. Fitness data is mainly obtained from this awesome watch and other wearers get notified. This is good from the fitness perspective as well, people will get more motivation and they will strive harder to better their performance.

The healthy competition which this feature initiates will go a long way. People already love comparisons; they will never lose the battle with anyone. Friends and connected people can share tips with each other too, the interface is complete. The privacy is safe, Apple never wants too many permissions. Users are focusing on completing activity goals and staying more active.

Apple makes lifestyle products; this is why they are brilliant. Some users had long streaks and they thanked Apple for everything. Tim Cook’s team can pat themselves on the back, they succeeded.

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