Apple News

Becoming a Pro Photographer Using the iPhone

When it comes to equipment talks, photographers who are accomplished tend to bristle during the time they are asked to share their views on various kinds of photography equipments. It is the photographer who is behind the picture and not the kind of camera that is used. This is a point that even Richard Koci Hernandez, an acclaimed photographer would agree. The reason behind that is because some of his work has not been done through any fancy equipment but just using his iPhone.

Becoming a Pro Photographer Using the iPhone

In his camera bag today, you will find the once used dears that got him to where he stands today rests idly. As per Hernandez, he stated that he disavowed himself from every camera that can be used professionally after falling in love with his iPhone camera, ever since then, he has never looked back at his various equipments. He even stated that the iPhone camera actually changed his life.

The words that Hernandez used had hinted smartphone cameras which were seismic especially referring to the iPhone. He also mentioned about how the iPhone has gone ahead and even impacted the world of photography. The sales of conventional cameras have come down due to the fact that with every generation of iPhones, the camera has been made a lot more sophisticated.

The ability to share their lives through platforms like Facebook and Instagram and other such social media apps is something that is not the same for people. It had been reported last year that the platform of photo sharing, especially through the iPhone has said to be quite an option given the fact of how the camera of the handset is. When you are talking about the ability to share photos taken from the mobile and sharing it a social platform has become one of the key components.

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