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Notify News App to Get the Boot by Facebook

The efforts of being the go‐to news outlet of Facebook seems to be coming to an end, the initial debut of the app was just around seven months back, however the Notify apps which is said to be a standalone one is said to be no more. This app used to provide push notifications whenever there was breaking news. The users of the app had received a notification which thanked them for using Notify.

Notify News App to Get the Boot by Facebook

The message also said that the company is under the process of transition parts of Notify into the other products of Facebook and also said that the support for the app will no longer be applicable. Last November, the Notify app was launched and the users of Facebook had access that was really handy. Over 70 publications were a part of the app which provided the breaking news. In real time, short news summaries were provided and if the users wanted, they could gain the access to the entire story.

Moreover the appeal was quickly lost just like various other new services. The downloading of the app was stopped after it arrived and slowly was also forgotten by People. In total, as per the data that Sensor Tower managed to get, the total number of downloads was around 63,000. This is one of the reasons why it is not surprising that Notify is getting the boot from Facebook. Well even though the app may be going however the breaking news section will still be a part of the social network. While talking to TechCrunch, the company stated that the functionality of Notify will be integrated into the other products of Facebook such as Messenger. This will give publishers a chance to reach out to more people considering the fact that the Messenger service is used by more than 900 million people on a monthly basis.

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