Apple News

JailbreakME Inspired Video Released by Well Known iOS Hacker

In the iOS hacking circle, Luca Todesco is better known as qwertyoruiop; recently a video was released by him which showed the jailbreaking of iOS 9.3.2. The 6th generation iPod touch was used in order to perform the jailbreak and the style that was used was very similar to JailbreakMe release that was Comex’s famous style for the iOS 4.3.3 and below.

Well word has it that it is unlikely that the jailbreak will ever be released and see the daylight, the video that has been released is said to be fairly convincing and lending the validity of the video is a hacker that is not just well known but also has the credentials to support it. Todesco has shown various kinds of videos pertaining to jailbreak on YouTube and it doesn’t seem to be that he has plans to stop anytime soon. The video that was uploaded recently was said to be intriguing since the exploit that was used was a browser based one which was very similar to the JailbreakMe.

Over the years, most of the jailbreaks that have been seen either require a Mac of a PC to do it;  it also requires the devices to be connected to the computer. With the exploit of the browser based, all that is needed is the iOS device with an n active internet connection. Apple has even gone ahead and credited Todesco for his work in the past for the fixes that he had made for the OS X and iOS devices. Though the details have not been known in regards to how the jailbreak has been shown in the video however it does seem to be that the weight of this particular video is said to be more than just a few random Joes who have made claims about having a jailbreak without any kind back up of credentials to support their claim.

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