Apple News

How To Make Apple Cross 1 Trillion Earning Mark

Apple may be going through a rough phase however some of the analysts say that the phase may not be longer. Apple is expected to have the massive cap of 1 Trillion cap is the company does not introduces any new change in their policy. Toni Sacconaghi wide spread the idea in the market that Apple should be concentrating more on the subscription sales and then as a next step should be adding the hardware to its support. The idea was to extract more money from the consumers and expand the business of the Apple by making people subscribe services of Apple rather than just getting the devices upgraded.

How To Make Apple Cross 1 Trillion Earning Mark

The major part of the money in Apple is from the sale of their iPhones. It is looked as the most profitable venture of the company. The other share of their annual profits is coming from a majority of other programs like iWatch, Macintosh computers, Apple music, etc. Apple has also made some good money from their scrap program. Apple recycles a lot of the old phones for the conservation of the energy. They have extracted a good amount of gold, Zinc, Copper and other precious materials from the scrap which looked worth millions.

Apple has always been a profitable company. Right from the beginning Apple has been able to keep its grip in the market. The company is more of known for their hardware among which most well‐known and adapted is their iPhone. Until last year Apple faced a huge loss with iPhone 6, situation could also not be turned with Apple SE back up however things seems to be improving this year. A huge expectation is already set with Apple iPhone 7. Tim Cook has already indulged himself in a lot of projects. By the year 2020 Apple is also set to be launching their electric cars under the name of project titan.

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