Apple News

Google and Apple’s Next Battle Is The Mobile Cold War

The battle between the ad pushers and ad blockers could be seen very clearly in the mobile World Congress that was held this year. The mobile advertisement’s broken state spared when Shine a company that deals with ad blocking and Google got into a discussion.

Google and Apples Next Battle Is The Mobile Cold War

The real status of the tensions was seen in the debate the two companies had. It is believed that this tension has been at its peak ever since the iOS 9 was released and when the company made an official announcement that the iOS came with a feature to block content so that their users can benefit in various ways.

Even when you talk about the improvement of the mobile experiences, ad blockers have been pitched. As of right now the ongoing Cold War has become the root cause for the debate between well funded and powerful tech giants who are standing face to face for the mobile revenue future.

After the iOS9 arrived, an official announcement was made by Google that the apps that are searched through the search engine would be streamed fro, the result page directly instead of diverting the person to the app store.

A few apps like the Weather Channel, Chimani and Hotel Tonight have the streaming feature already enabled, it was hinted by Google that very soon even others would be available. Trial run ads were also announced by Google which was a format that was new and allowed the user to play the game of their choice for around a minute before they could go ahead and download the game. As of now, this is only available with a few advertisers and the streaming of the ads can be done over the Wi‐Fi and not with the LTE or 4G. The war on the streaming services is yet to unfold however time will tell us exactly what is in store.

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