We all have used BitTorrent. But, Illegally. We haven’t been paying attention, and now BitTorrent is planning to get legalized with their amazing streaming app, which has already taken the world of musicians by storm. We have always known BitTorrent as a file sharing platform, and its sudden turn of interests have been left uncaught in the eyes of the common people.
BitTorrent Now focuses on promoting emerging artists as of now, and this silent opportunity that BitTorrent Now is giving to the upcoming artists has been praised. It’s like any other media streaming app in the market, but with a twist.
What is Different?
Basically a Distribution platform, BitTorrent Now provides a great platform for upcoming artists to showcase their talents where people can hear and give a review. Be it anybody, can submit their contents into BitTorrent Now. Here lies the twist, the artists can choose how their content will be distributed. The beginners who submit contents in BitTorrent Now, can set up an email gate, so that anybody who access their content, has to give their email‐id’s to access the content. More experienced or professional singers, can sell their songs through BitTorrent Now.
Another difference from mainstream media streaming apps, is that, BitTorrent Now is introducing an ad‐revenue scheme for artists who post videos in BitTorrent Now. Implementing an ad‐supported model like YouTube gives an edge. Artists claim 90% in case of direct sales from the ad, and 70% as revenue. This is beneficial for both the parties, the artist and BitTorrent Now. The advantage of BitTorrent Now lies in the complete independence that it gives to the creators or the artists, in deciding the distribution course. Moreover, it also provides a way for the new artist to earn some dollars, for their content, which no other platform provides.
To conclude
Once despised by artists, BitTorrent Now today is loved by artists from all over the world, for its unique method to distribute content. The platform that it provides for young talent is amazing, and the revenue they offer to the artists is unbeatable. Here’s to the success of BitTorrent Now in the coming days.