The report by Mary Meeker has provided some really valuable insight and answers in regards to the reasons why the first port of call was taken by Tim Cook during his visit to India recently. As per the reports, in 2015, the shipments of iPhones globally may have peaked, however, it also states that for Time Cook, India many come to his rescue anytime soon.
Her annual findings were presented recently and since 1995, we all know that Mary meeker is said to be the voice behind the prognosis of Internet. The report that was presented recently during the Code Conference has a few words of cautions. For internet companies who hake expectations, this may be a temper trigger factor. It can be a little worrisome, as until 2013, the growth used to be double digits, however recently it was seen to be only at 9%. Well the growth of rate should not really matter considering that the base of internet users is really big. Well if you come to think of it, this is a product that is used worldwide by more than three billion people. In this front, India is still unfolding.
The shipments are slowing down on a significant level for smartphone makers and it seems to be that the storm clouds are a threat to them. The report that Mary had released also provided an insight as to why the first port of call was taken by Tim Cook. This happened when he was seen visiting Mumbai’s Siddhi Vinayak Temple during his recent visit to India. Considering the fact that the shipments of iOS say a decline on the year on year numbers by 9%, it does seems to be that a divine intervention and religious hue may be needed. The decline that has been seen is considered to be the worse for the company in the last decade.