The calendar app that is compatible with Mac OSX and iOS released a latest update which turned the irritating, inadequate and inconsistent feeling to an ok it is just fine kind of a feeling. IOS’s fantastical has officially come out with its 2nd release which is trying to fil the gap not just by it clean list presentation, however it also offers a support that is said to be really strong for various calendar systems as well as the natural language processing.
You can also go ahead and type out any event and the app would go ahead and place it and parse it without any hassles. The makers of the app, Flexibits also went ahead and introduced a version that is compatible for OS X in the 1.0 version that was released earlier. In March 2015, the 2nd version was released which was considered to be a complete replacement for the Apple’s Calendar app. It is also believed to be a very strong competitor to other products that are on the same line. While the view of the 1.0 turned into a mini window, there was also a system menu that was optional this was a pop down menu that gave the capsule view.
A lot of the concerns pertaining to the first release have been addressed in the latest update. The 2.2 update which has recently been released is said to things in a very different level and in so a manner that it is now said to be a contender in the race.
The focus of the calendar app is said to keep a list view of all the events that are upcoming and ensuring that the view is acting even if a person is having a look at the weekly, monthly or even annual graphical layouts of events.