A few months back, Kayne West took the world by surprise when he stated that his latest album, the Life of Pablo will never ever appear on the Apple Music streaming service. He further went on into stating that the only place the album will be available will be on his own online music streaming portal, Tidal. On release, he went on to not only marketing his own album, but also the streaming service it was uploaded to, Tidal. He encouraged as well as requested his fan following to reach in Tidal and get his latest album.
Recently, a report was posted on Record which stated something totally different. According to the report, Kayne had actually offered streaming rights to a song from the album to not only Apple, but also Spotify. Last week, a song from the album, Life of Pablo, appeared in full version on Apple Music as well as Spotify. Taking into account the rap stars previous statements; this came as a surprise for all. According to the rappers recent tweets as well as reports on Recode, Kayne seems to have provided Apple Music and Spotify with all the rights fir streaming his latest album. As a result, we will definitely see the album, Life of Pablo appear on Apple Music, most probably song by song.
Although the album was released quite a while back, it is speculated to be incomplete. As perrecent reports, the Life of Pablo, available at present is an incomplete version of the entire album. As days go by, Kayne is actively making changes to the lyrics of certain songs. Moreover, the music arrangements are also changing. This makes it quite evident that Kayne has provided his fans with an incomplete album on Apple Music, Tidal as well as Spotify.